It's the last day for Christmas Drama at Dewan Sri Pinang, I went there, with my Aunt and her family. This year, the story is written about Kevin Soh, a man who took drugs and stays in Jail for 20 years. There are 2 special speaker for tat night- Pas. Frad Seawead and Kevin Soh. Both of them told us about God. By 11 something, the show ended.
There's nothing special for today, i planned today schedule by playing badminton, computer games, football, help Kok Yin and Kok Leong prepare their catering food and Blaaaa blaaaa blaaaa.
2 day before Christmas, I went to Hunza Complex's Chruch for bible study, but i learn nothing. Joshua sms me at first. But in the end, he called me with his mobile phone, can be seen he is a rich man children. He called me for 40 minutes to kap siao. If i did tat, i will definitely scolded by my mom and my dad. By that night, I saw uncle Soo Cheang, He brought me and Ah Kit to Jalan Pahang to have our Wan Tan Mee as supper.
I went football training in the morning, I m the earliest be there with the reason of no transport. Dunno what's the event for today, so many cars. The owner of the car warn us, once we break their car, we have to pay them back. But i dun care, i just relish my football training with all my team mates. Mimi attended the training today with his brother, i m surprised. We did our warm up at first, then followed by passing, 3 0n 3, and the last one, Offense vs Defense. The training end up by 10.15am. I called Mee Che Che to fetch me in school. After having their breakfast, they came to my school. While i m waiting for them, i played crossing challenge with Huey Hong. and Bryan. Now, I saw a Hand phone on floor, once i saw i can recognize that phone belongs to Yu Kai called his dad with his hand phone, Said that i m going to Trader Hotel by Christmas morning, i asked him get it from me by 10.30am. Tonight, we had our Dinner at House, There's a lot of delicious food and i am sure all of u would like to have all tat like me.
25/12/08 Christmas Day
Merry Christmas everyone, I went to the Trader Hotel at town area, by 9 something, when i reached there, i went to Ni Che's room, 1330. I woke her 3 lazy children up. Settle everything, We went from the Christmas Morning Service. Before we went out from the room, Yu Kai's dad called me, said that he is going to be Trader Hotel Entrance in 5 minutes time, He reached the entrance, but i haven't leave the room. OMG let him wait there. He asked me man4 man4 lai2.
I passed the phone to him, then i quickly went to the Matahari Ballroom. Mee Che Che sms me, said that she's sitting at the fourth row left to the stage. I found her, sit together with her. By this time, i saw Uncle Soo Cheang, sitting two row straight in front of me, I sms him, said that he can find me by turning his head straight 90 degree. I agreed to join him and his family for lunch. We went to the Georgetown Cafe. Have our lunch there.
After having lunch with them, I meet Ni che at Wong Kok Restaurant. Before i meet them, i went for a short while window shopping, I walked one round each floor, then only i meet them. Haha. After i met them, we went shopping again, Ni Che Che brought me a pair of sport shoes as Christmas Gift. Whoooooooooooaaaaaaa. I wore tat by Christmas Night Dinner at Trader Hotel too. We enjoy our dinner, we also receive a blessed draw prize which is Tupperware inside. Yeahhhhhhhhhhh. There's only one word for this year Christmas, Happy.
26/12/08 Boxing Day
I doesn't have any plan for today, same as Monday, i played, Computer game, football and badminton. From Walter i heard that there's no one attended today training, only him and the coach Wei Hau. haha. Coz all of them slept until very late like me, some may go shopping. Nothing much to talk about for today.
It's the last day i stay at Po Po's house, and also for Mee Che. I sleep at 2am and woke up by 5am, i went to Airport, coz Mee Che Che is leaving, back to London. We took some photo at Airport.After sent her to the Airport, We had our Wan Tan Mee breakfast. After tat, we went back to Po Po's house and sleep again by 9.00. I slept until 1pm, then woke up for lunch. We ate Chicken rice, Mee Jawa, and so on. By 4.00pm, I played badminton with Gideon Ko Ko again. This time, i won him, Hurray. I went home by 5.00. Here ended my Christmas week celebration.
Christmas Week Celebration
Today Training, I injuried someone and also myself
Today training
Run three round of the field. Followed by warm up.
We did stretching, followed by 30 times Star Jump.
After tat, We run towards to the goal post, then run back. ( Repeated 5 times)
Here come the horrible, terrible training, We do pumping 30 times.
Repeat the same section, run towards to the goal post again, then run back.
Wei Hau, our coach want us to do pumping again.
I try to cheat with everyone, but dun seem successful.
School bell rang, We rest for few minutes.
We continue our training with passing section,
As usual, one touch, stop ball, long pass are necessary.
We play 3 on 3.
Me, Chee Meng and Tze Huei in the same team,
VS Wei Zhen, Well-Kit and Bryan.
Chee Meng score the first goal. 1-0.
Then Tze Huei make a mistake here,
He just let the ball go,
Wei Zhen make a short passing,
The ball row into the post, 1-1.
I took a shot, hit Well-Kit's hand,
Then the ball bounce back and hit Wei Zhen's nose.
He rest for a while, then we continue our game.
I shoot the ball on Bryan face again.
And he replaced by Sian Ho.
I try to be funny by heading the ball for 5-7 times,
finally he ball pass through the side line.
Wei Zhen started the ball at the side line,
unexpected, Sian Ho make a one touch,
And he scored. OMG........
We lost, and three of us kena pumping 20 times.
As usual, tactic game started.
I play as a DM.
Wei zhen and well-kit play as CM.
Ben and Yong Shen play Wings.
Striker will be Fuk Jern.
Jyh Kae, Chee Meng, 钟灵铁卫.
Quan Chen and Bryan play sides.
Tze Huei and Han Wern play as DM.
I injuried when i m rushing for the ball,
Tze Huei suppose to shoot the ball, but i kicked the ball away.
And He shoot on my right leg. Sob Sob.
And I injuried Bryan by shooting the ball on his face again. Sorry Bryan.
We discuss our problem now.
And finally the training ended.
Something special happened today,
Ah Pek din attend our training. Siok ka.
Then we play crossing on the field. Coz the weather dun seem hot.
And there's few parents standing in front of Ah Hee's office.
looking at us. Like a gang of crazy guys playing football.
Came back from training.
After lunch, I slept from 1pm to 7pm.
Wow, tonight no need to sleep d.
I slept so long for my leg after hit by Tze Huei.
Still think of the present of myself for friday training.
I got nothing to do with........................
I called you, but no one answered.
After tat, yr dad called me.
Warn me, ask me to stop it.
But I can't,
Wat to do?
Want me to give up?
I dun dare to do.
I really dunno,
dunno what to do.
I m sorry for my fault,
by calling u.
Pls forgive me
6B 2007 年终聚会.
为了不让去年楚河汉界的事情再发生, 我也不知为何提出了这个建议, 那就是在我家举行聚会.
一早, 我就随妈妈到菜市去, 买了一大堆的食物 (鸡肉, HOT DOG, 鱼丸, 虾丸,墨鱼丸, 玉蜀黍, 蘑菇等等) 手都拿得快肿了. 回到家后, 我和妈妈便开始准备食物. 忙了一个早上来收拾, 下午就为了清理, 大约四五时左右我便开始准备当晚烧烤会的食物.
下午五时, 一切都准备好了, 只差桌子还没排好. 蛮以为可以去踢足球, 谁知丽虹和Felicia还有她的妹妹到了, 毁了我想踢足球的念头.于是我请她们到我家坐坐.大约五时半, 我们便到楼下开桌子和椅子. 到了楼下, 媛清, 晋年和森泉也到了. 忙完后, 我们把楼上的食物都搬到楼下来, 望一望手表, 已经六时半了, 佳慧和诗惠也到了.
姐姐到楼下来, 她以为我们已经开始生火, 但我们却令她失望了.看不过眼的她, 开始动起了他的那双手, 帮我们起火去了. 我们对起火的道理一无所知, 唯有听从她的命令行事. 大约七时正, 我回到家冲凉换衣服, 用了十五分钟. 我这个笨蛋, 都说好了是烧烤会, 我还穿着一条长裤. ( 笨蛋)
玩着玩着, 陈老师回来了. 我们便回到烧烤炉前, 从新烧烤食物. 还好陈老师和张老师出现, 把一部分的食物给解决掉, 但仍然存着大部分的食物.
陈老师回家了, 连瑞坤妈妈所做的卤肉也带回家. 十一点钟到来, 同学们纷纷回家了. 而我, 康潍, 炜杰, 丽虹, Felicia 和她妹妹, 媛清和汪政 , 留下来收拾一些残局. (谢谢你们) 剩下的食物, 我只好把它分给康潍和炜杰, 我自己也收了一部分.
清理工作完毕, 我和康潍都回家了. 我在家帮妈妈洗剩下的大锅. 一直忙到十二时十五分.随后, 我洗了一个澡, 好舒服.
这时, 我开电脑, 而妈妈则坐在沙发上与我闲聊. 我们谈了一大堆废话, 都与同学们有关.在这同时, 媛清也开着电脑. 我问她: " 你对今天的聚会有什么看法?" 她的回复: " fun, interesting, i laughed at all.(应该是这样吧.. 若我说错, 对不起啦.)
今天真的很高兴, 大家聚在一起分享心情, 最好的是楚河汉界的事情不再发生. 同时我希望得到6B 同学的看法. 若有任何招待不周, 或任何的过分举止, 请多多包含.
3/12/08.- 告别已久的球场, 今天我们回来了.
同时, 这也让我回顾一个月前的美好回忆.
上午8时, 我和汉文乘坐威振车前往学校. 蛮以为已经迟了, 但是教练伟豪比我们更迟 (哈哈).
我们先跑学校三圈, 随后热身. 在热身的时候, 伟豪要我们 sit-up 六十下. 恐怖, 久已没做运动的我差点儿撑不住了.
随后,伟豪为我们带来了一项训练, 以提升我们的素质. 这时我真的撑不住了, 我只做了三回, 就躺在地上了. Ah Pek 走过来, 告诉我不应该喘气时躺在地上, 这有损身体健康. 所谓" 不听老人言, 吃亏在眼前". 我惟有撑着坐在草场上.
过后, 我们便做传球训练. 我, 威振, JEFF, BERNARD, 泉成 还有楚根一起练习. JEFF 一直 TL 楚根, 原因是传球时不认真, 这也难怪, 物以类聚,应该人以群分. 楚根的素质很明显的比我们差. Haiz.......对于此事, 我无言.
最后, 我们被分为进攻防守两队. 当我在进攻队时, 我注入了一球( HI 5), 谢谢BERNARD 帮我THROUGH 球. 不久后, 教练要我与last back智凯对换位置. hehe. 有一刻, 我记得我与智凯的脚踢在一起, 我们两躺在地上, 教练还以为我们出了什么意外, 谁知我们都没事. 谢谢shing guard.
一天的训练就这样结束, 智超的妈妈带我们去吃饭( 谢谢 Auntie). 智超有一个很好的妈妈, 无时无刻都照顾着他.过后我们才乘坐他妈妈的车回家.
不知为什么, 今天下午突然全身发热, 应该是发烧了. 我睡了一个午觉, 现在应该都没事了.
Mission 9.30 to 11.25
December 1
I went to kang wei house, decide to steal some stones for the BBQ this Saturday.
We went down to the ground floor, walk around our apartments area, look around and see whether someone around or not.
We walked to Block 104 lobby, look around again. No one there, we start our planning to steal.
We walk along the roadside and plan our journey.
We took 3 stone, put its in a place which is full of darkness. A man suddenly came out, we are frighten. Luckily he din look around and just pass by.
We took another 4 stones and put it at the same place. then we walk around Block 104. We found a black bag there ( thanks god )
We put 3 stones into the black bag and we decide to walk home, when we start walking up the stair. All of a sudden, i saw a man walking in front of us, i ask Kang Wei stop walking and put the bag under the stair.
We found a school bag when walking around ( thank god again). I carried the bag and pretend like walking back from tuition ( hehe ). We walk back to Block 104, and put another 5 stone into the bag, finally we left the dangerous area.
We went to the little garden under my block, and put all the stones there as decoration.
We counted the stones, we still left 4 stones. OMG, we went back to Block 104 and stole another 4 stones.
We decorate the garden again, haha and finally our mission completed.
倒霉的一天, 不时让我脑海里增添几分忧愁.
向来迟睡迟起的我, 心血来潮想享用一份美味的早餐.
往来, 我每次起床就直接等到午餐时间.
这也不能怪他没为我准备早餐, 要怪只能怪我倒霉.
下午, 我又陪妈妈到我蛮讨厌的地方- 寺庙.
她说年尾到了, 要去谢太岁, 这也弄得我非常爱睡.
回家途中, 尽然让一个技巧生疏的姐姐驾车.
驾驶盘控制不好, 时速时快时慢, 不得爸爸不停地唠叨.
身为弟弟的我, 一句话也没出, 惟有在后坐冒冷汗.
真倒霉, 但是, 我的霉运还没去.
一只苍蝇就停在我的吸水管上对我说 "HELLO".
哎哉, 今天真倒霉....
Funny Moment for the football today
Same as Monday, i went to play football this afternoon with my friend, Han Wern.
There's a few of funny moment just now.
1) Penalty Shoot Out.
I shoot the ball to the goal post, Han Wern fantastic dive save the ball.
I am shocked. He doesn't play as a goalkeeper before,
but the dive for today make me think him in a different way.
By this time, we r playing a penalty shoot out,
He as a goalkeeper and i as the penalty taker.
I took the first two shot,
First shot blocked by Han Wern,
second shot i shoot out.
The 3rd, 4th and 5th,
I am in a high form.
I shoot in all the goal.
Hurray, finally i won.
Hi 5.
2) Crossbar Challenge.
We were playing cross bar challenge too.
Han Wern improved his long ball shooting skill,
His shot makes my hand "Or Chea"
All of a sudden, i aim the goal post opposite.
And i shot, It suppose to be a goal, all because of the little pond which is in front of the post
make the ball drop into it.
At first, Han Wern decided to block the ball, but he ran away from the ball,
Finally, the water spray to someone which is playing behind the goal post.
And one of the little girl scream loudly.
I show them a "sorry" action.
3) Cross, Head, Finishing.
Cross the ball and Head to the goal,
I am a crossing pro, I cross nicely to him,
and he head out all the time, I am very TL to him.
But, he still did the same things.
I angry, I took a powerful shot, to scare him.
But unexpected, the ball flew out to the gate.
I though the ball will broke the window, just a few inci.
But it didn't happen. Praise the lord.
The ball rebound to the floor,
An indian woman, which is the owner for the house scolded me.
I show my "sorry" pose to her so.
And Han Wern laugh at me.
Haiz, we play in the rain.
Everyone went off, and both of us keep playing.
we went home by 6pm.
1127, 散步, 沉思.
一个约定, 让我久等了两个季节.
下午, 我勇敢地拿起了电话听筒, 把电话号码打下,
傍晚时分, 我收到了你母亲的来电,
心想: 自己是不是一个懦夫??? 但直现在仍然没有一个答案.
吃过了晚饭, 我到了组屋底楼散步, 沉思.
"我无时无刻地想你是为了什么?? 值得吗??"
今夜, 我手持电脑键盘, 侧面向着天空,
想了很多... 很多...
这个答案, 只有上帝知道.
那就是 " 坚持 " 或 " 放弃 ".
First Post in English
Yesterday i went to play football.
I reached there, by 4.30pm
Rau, Irshad, Najib, Shafiq and his brother was playing there.
When i m there,
Rau quarrel with Irshad
He ask Irshad not to let me play,
but Irshad Ignored him.
Irshad ask me to be the goalkeeper,
but i have to take off my boots.
This is my boots.
I agreed them by taking off my boots, and we start playing.
We divide into two team
Me, Irshad, and Najib at the same team
Rau, Shafiq and his brother as our opponents.
Few minutes after playing,
I m given a chance to take a long shot( counted as goal kick )
Shariq, as the opponent last man and also the goalkeeper.
He cant caught my ball, finally i scored.
Now, Rau angry and he went off.
Replaced by an anonymous, dunno what he call.
By this time, Irshad ask me to be the striker.
I solo all over, and finally the ball pass through between the legs of Shafiq's brother.
I got another score.
By this time, Najib shot, blocked by Shafiq, and the ball come over to me.
I shot, the ball flew over the gate to the road.
They ask me to get the ball.
When i m at the roadside, the ball lost.
I am shocked and slacking there,
They ask me to pay them a new NIKE ball with RM47.
I agreed them with RM30, the rest they pay.
They ask for RM33, i say no, RM30 is more than enough.
By this time, here come my saver, Shafiq.
He found the ball at the drain.
I thanked him, I give 5 ringgit for them to buy some drinks.
Irshad shacked his hand with me, and say thanks.
I suppose to buy some food for my parents coz we are having wedding dinner by that night at Butterworth.
but i gave them. I ask myself why, there's no answer.
So i din buy anything and i went home.
I come down again to buy three Pao1.
1 for dad, 1 for mom and another 1 for myself.
After buying, I saw Swee Khoon's mom, and i tell her that we r having our gathering party at the ground floor of my house. She agreed to bring us some Loh Bak.( thanks )
Then i am in a hurry and it's a bit late. So i quickly run home.
After finish bathing, i ask my sister to choose cloth for me.
Finally i wore long pants, White T-shirt, sport shoes, necklace and sun glasses.( acting cool, but not cool at all =) )
By 7.00 sharp.
I start our journey to Butterworth.
On the way, we suppose to follow yi2 zhang4's car,
but he said he going to fretch aunt at Alma.
So we have to find the venue ourselves.
On the way, my mom keep nagging coz we cant find the venue.
With the help of an old uncle, we found the venue.
Finally i can stop listening to my mom nag, or else my ear gone.
When my dad parking his car and i m still in the car, a girl sms me.
We sms with each other until the function start.
The dinner ended by 10.30.
On the way home, i continue sms with her.
i ask her 冷笑话. ask her to guess.
She guessed wrongly. I scold her.
Then she scold me back, along the way home.
When i reached home, i ask her to wait for me until i finish bathing.
when i m back, i sms her.
she reply me this " 一个字可以形容: 久."
then i keep argue with her,
finally i won the sms fight. Hi 5.
By 12.00,
she slept, i tot she angry with me.
Then i send her this " u angry d?
She say no.
She felt asleep coz she need to wake up early by tomorrow.
Then we stop sms with each others.
quite a happy day.
1) no need to pay them for the money of the ball
2) got people sms with me at the boring journey.
3) can enjoy the delicious food.
Hehe, i noe i got a lot of grammar mistake.
Coz my english not good enough.
一个星期, 每天都重复着同样的东西, 没有新奇, 只有平凡.
想尝试一些新奇的东西, 又没有任何的点子.
同时也想念着 2TA4.
才一星期不见, 就期待着我们的重逢.
心中的那一朵花,花蕾无时无刻充满希望, 凭着辛勤的蜂儿,把希望带到人间.希望的影子,往往围绕在你我身旁,却不在我们的视线范围出现.唯有靠自己的意志坚定,在加上后天付出的努力,自然而然的,希望就会出现在眼前. 此外, 以不同的角度, 看待不同的问题,发掘不同的希望. 世界的景观一朝比一朝的安宁; 希望的脚步一步比一步的雄壮; 我们的前程一天比一天的明亮.只有不断的向前, 才能看到不同的希望. 只要坚持不放弃, 绝望就会变成希望.